Pulsa pumps
Pulsa pumps

So, unfortunately- this is all I can say, but I guess in 1-2 month's time I'd be able to give you a MUCH better review and comments on its functions when I have used the pump to more of its potential! But if you want to follow what happens, you can do so here ( ).ENGINEERED PRODUCTS PULSA Series® Our time proven PULSA Series® 880 is a leak-free, hydraulically balanced diaphragm metering pump. Having this said- 1- my routine is not intense at the moment, I am getting worked into things before we hit it properly hard, 2- We are only pumping in static mode (and not using the Pulsar mode, which is this expensive pump's most advance fearute and what makes it so much better than the other pumps in my eyes), so there is much more to be experienced and tested before I give out a proper review of the product, BUT, so far my comments are:ġ- AMAZING control, I love the amount of control I have over the session, if I feel like it is too intense (or if anyone would potentially feel it is not intense enough) you can select a vacuum level by 0.5 division (expample: 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 3.5mm and so on).Ģ- My current routine is getting me worked into things, but I feel it so much better than the X30 or X30 Xtreme! I do not lose vacuum, my penis visibly expands inside the tube by a good amount, I can only imagine how much better it would be when we hit it properly hard! It is going all good! I am using BigAl's services and now we are working into things, as it can be seen on my log, started with 3mm static pumping for 3 minutes, and we are working our way up, today is going to be 3mm pressure for 8 minutes (yet to perform my routine for today). I hope this post of mine hepled you! How's it going with the pump? Very curious! So, having only used the pump once and having experienced a small fraction of its features, this is the initial review I have of it. I am currently working with BigAl and was instructed to only pump statically (and not use the main feature of the pump- pulse pumping just yet), but I went on and tried the warm up Pulsar routine for just a minute and MY GOODNESS! I LOVED it! It may be nothing special to other Vacutech Pulsar users here on the forum(s), but having pumped with both Bathmate Hydromax X30 and Hydromax X30 Xtreme, I found the comfort and expansion level of the Pulsar mode incredible! (and I was on WARM UP mode for 1 minute at ONLY 3mm of intensity)! I can only imagine what the other modes look like! But I guess in time, as I get more and more conditioned I should be allowed to get into the more intense stuff. This extra gain is lost using a hand pump. During waves of expansion, which happen every few minutes, the unit automatically compensates, maximizing extra expansion during these critical moments. In this mode, the unit maintains your vacuum level at your set point.

#Pulsa pumps manual

The electroncs themselves keep the vacuum level stable and I will write as it is written on the manual that came along with it " The electronics maintain the set vacuum by cycling the pump to controlyour vacuum level. The pumping session is a true pleasure! You not only have complete control over the pumping session (updating your desired intensity by 0.5 mm: you can progress in intensity from 2.0mm to 2.5mm then to 3.0mm then to 3.5mm etc.). The pump is very quiet! Very discreet, I was afraid it might be loud, but I was pleasantly surprised! I will just mention the ones that would probably be most important to you: Ok, as promised, I recieved the pump today and needless tosay- I already have some experience with it, had a session today.

Pulsa pumps